Welcome to Christian Missionary Fellowship International (CMFI), St. John’s Church. We are located at 40 International Place in St. John’s, Newfoundland. We are one of the many CMFI Churches located in over 100 nations worldwide. CMFI was founded in 1975 in Cameroon. We are a bible-believing, bible-based church. Our goal is to make disciples for our Lord Jesus Christ, to raise a people who will obey the Lord Jesus Christ in all things and serve Him from the overflow of their love for Him and knowledge of Him.


Our mission in CMFI St. John’s, Newfoundland, is to make disciples for Jesus from people of all nations, tribes, races and colours in Newfoundland and beyond (Matt 28:19).
We want to produce men and women who are hungry and thirsty for God. We want to produce individuals whose desire for God intensifies with time and who as a result of their hunger for God, seek God in a disciplined manner. Such will learn to find God through encounters with God and as a result of frequent encounters with God will know God from their personal experiences. And, because of their knowledge of God, they will love Him in an intelligent and continuous manner. They will thus serve God as the overflow of their knowledge and love for Him and while serving God, will enjoy Him in a personal romance so that it becomes their singular soul bliss. That is the unit of our ministry. We produce worshipers who enjoy Jesus as their soul bliss through the process of a developed personal relationship with Jesus Christ.


To make 10,000 disciples in the St. John’s Census Metropolitan Area for Christ.
Christian Missionary Fellowship International is a movement committed to the winning of souls, the making of disciples and the planting of Churches in each locality and in each nation of the world. It is a movement committed to the raising, training and sending of missionaries to all nations for the salvation of the people in those nations. Christian Missionary Fellowship International has been called to bring her contribution to the God-promised world revival through teaching the revived saints: Daily Dynamic Encounters with God, discipleship to Christ and accountability. Having received a God-given goal, she is committed to the pursuit and accomplishment of the goal which is to preach the Gospel to everyone who will be alive in our generation so that 10 billion people are reached with the Gospel in the power of the Holy Spirit, using every means of communication in the most urgent manner and to bring 1 billion people to know Jesus Christ as LORD and Saviour and who are being discipled to obey Him in all things by the year 2065A.D. The 1 billion people will fellowship and meet in 25 million House Churches. The desire to get the gospel to those in our generation was the overflow of the knowledge of the atoning death of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross and the power of the gospel to save to the utmost. What the gospel is and a deep gratitude for salvation are at the back of this goal. The blood of Jesus is sufficient for the perishing souls of men.

In Cameroon, where the Headquarters of Christian Missionary Fellowship International is located, there over 1300 churches that have been planted. And over 200 national missionaries who have been sent to different localities in Cameroon. Outside Cameroon, Christian Missionary Fellowship International has over 200 international missionaries in about 100 nations on all the 6 continents.


Christian Missionary Fellowship International is the overflow of the apostolic ministry of Professor Zacharias Tanee Fomum, the founding Team-Leader of this movement. Zacharias Tanee Fomum can be rightly classified as one of the most sublime saints that ever walked this earth. To refer to him as the spiritual leader of our generation would be no exaggeration at all. His literary works are profound in originality, simplicity, relevance, practicality, depth, expanse, and penetration. Advanced as he was in academics as well as in the walk with God, his books were very simple, easy to understand and would leave the reader in no doubt as to what to do.